The basis of the project developed by the PKP single platform technology lay public key infrastructure (Public Key Infrastructure, PKI), used to solve cryptographic tasks. When creating the architecture used Simple PKI - c single certifying center. PKI-funds allow for three basic preconditions of information security. The first - the preservation of data. Information should not be damaged as a result of random errors and system errors or when an unauthorized modification or destruction of data. Second - the confidentiality of the data. The information has the status of a personal, official, secret, should be protected from access by third parties - breaking system, the interception of data in transmission through communication channels, or work with it in remote mode. Third - the availability of the owner (authorized users). An authorized user must be able, without unnecessary problems identified in the resource server, a database, and perform the necessary actions with the information. Additionally necessary to monitor the activities of working with data and confirmation of the produced effects.