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About this section:

In this section, published information about the device system Private Key Project, as well as supporting information on the work of the system of PKP

1. System design of PKP

In developing the system was based on the technology of PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) architecture type: Plain PKI (single Certification Authority), this technology has the following tasks:

  • ensuring the confidentiality of information;
  • ensuring the integrity of information;
  • providing authentication of users and resources that are accessed by users;
  • providing opportunities confirmation actions committed by users to the information;
  • 2. Principles of cryptographic public key systems from PKP

    In order to simplify the use of the system in the basic principles of public key infrastructure from PKP was introduced one amendment:

  • private key is known only to its owner (Amendment: if you want the owner of the private key can be known by a Certificate Authority);
  • certifying center creates a public key certificate, thus certifying the key;
  • no one trusts each other, but all rely on certification center;
  • certifying center confirms or denies the specified public key belongs to the person who owns the corresponding private key;
  • 3. User agreement

    1. General provisions

    1.1 Independent Internet project Private Key Project (hereinafter PKP, system, project) provides to the User the available Services on the terms described in this Agreement. For all PKP service Users, Agreement comes into force at the moment of confirmation of all agreement points.

    1.2 PKP provides registered users with the ability to use its services, the main task of which is to provide security for any confidential information. For PKP, confidential information is considered any unit of data that directly or indirectly relates to any of the registered users in the PKP system.

    1.3 Use of PKP services is regulated by this Agreement, the privacy policy and the mechanisms services themselves. Agreement may be supplemented and modified at any time without any prior notification to registered users of the system; the new version of the Agreement shall enter into force upon posting on this Project Site.

    1.4 After confirmation of all agreement terms, is considered, the user accepted the agreement in full, without any reservations and exceptions. In case of disagreement with any of the terms of the agreement, the potential user will be refused registration, and registered user account on the system will be locked. If PKP have made any changes to the agreement in accordance with paragraph [1.3], user may see, and if wants, to confirm the disagreement in the Control Panel, then the account will be locked.

    1.5 PKP reserves the right as to the possibility of the development and integration of new mechanisms for existing services, and the right to develop new services for new and useful tasks, PKP services mechanisms are developed based on the usefulness, desirability and feasibility of implementation, most of the attention for new useful mechanisms depends on the system user.s needs.

    2. Registration and System Account

    2.1 In order to start using the services of PKP, the user must complete the registration process, in result of which a root certificate will be signed by certifying CA (Authorization Service of Private Key Project) signing request for a unique identifier (username, common name in the system) for the new user.

    2.2 When registering a new identifier, system needs only the user contact information, this point of agreement is due to the item of the privacy policy.

    2.3 PKP reserves the right to change or supplement the data requested for registration.

    2.4 Registration information for the owner identifier, contained in his account, is stored and processed by PKP in accordance with the privacy policy.

    2.5 PKPID (username, common name) account in the PKP system, is chosen by the user himself.

    2.6 The user shall be solely responsible for the safety and security of the information and the personal certificate signed and issued by Certification Authority of PKP. PKP reserves the right to identify the owner of the account to log through personal certificate and correct registration information.

    2.7 In the event that the account user wish to express an unauthorized third party access to his account, the user will be required to provide accurate registration data of his identifier. After checking the required data, Project Administration may reissue a personal certificate for the given ID.

    2.8 PKP Project Founders, represented by the administration, reserves the right to block any user account on the system, without prior notice or explanation.

    2.9 The owner of the ID has the right at any time, of his own free will, and by himself to block the ID on the system.

    3. Terms of Service of PKP

    3.1 When using PKP services, the owner of the ID is solely responsible for the goals and objectives that can be realized by means of PKP services.

    3.2 The use of PKP services to implement tasks listed below is forbidden:

    3.2.1 Any kind of spam.

    3.2.2 Creation, distribution and viewing of child pornography.

    3.2.3 Forced or compulsory recruitment.

    3.2.4 Organize and/or foment any kind of violence.

    3.2.5 Creation of materials damaging the honor and moral of any civilian.

    3.2.6 Actions aimed at threatening the honor of any civilian.

    3.2.7 Any act designated by the departmental security services.

    3.2.8 Actions aimed at creating any kind of threat to the security of PKP Projects users.

    3.2.9 Actions aimed at creating a threat to the existence, reputation and operability of PKP.

    3.2.10 Actions aimed at disabling or destabilizing operability of life-saving components and assemblies intended for the needs of civilians.

    3.2.11 Creation and distribution of any type of firearms,ammunition,as well as chemicals (hazardous to human health), biologically (hazardous to human health) and nuclear elements.

    3.2.12 Abduction or forced deprivation of liberty of any civilian.

    3.2.13 Organization and exploitation of child labor.

    PKP Limitation of liability

    4.1 PKP does not accept responsibility for the compelling circumstances that can lead to incapacitation, disabling or physical destruction of the equipment providing the PKP services, which can lead to temporary disruption of PKP operability services.

    4.2 PKP does not accept responsibility for the malfunctioning of services on the client side, in the case of incorrect settings or the absence of necessary software to use the services of PKP.

    4.3 PKP does not accept responsibility for the people, who through PKP services violate state law.

    4.4 PKP does not assume responsibility for the safety of any confidential information of the user who violates any of the subparagraphs of paragraph [3.2].

    4. Registration in the system

    When you register in the system it is possible to select the authentication method:

    1. By password - simple authentication method, for which registration is used when BASIC CSR (basic certificate signing request), and a bunch of BASIC CSR closed-public key is automatically generated and then signed by the Certification Authority Authorization Service of Private Key Project and assigned to the logged-on user account. After successful completion of the registration, the user has the ability to download from the control panel your personal certificate in PKCS#12 format and import it into the browser, and then be able to use two versions of the authorization as a password or by personal certificate.

    2. By certificate - the authentication method for which registration is used when the following types of CSR:

  • SPKAC - type of request for signature for most browsers (Firefox, Opera, Chrome, etc) except IE(Internet Explorer)
  • IE - type of request for a signature for IE browsers installed on Windows systems with versions below WinNT 6.0
  • VISTA - type of request for a signature for IE browsers installed on Windows systems with versions of WinNT above 6.0
  • During the registration certificate, the user is browser is formed signing request a personal certificate, then the user is browser sends a request to the formation of the signature certification center certification Authorization Service of Private Key Project, and then certifying center checks the incoming request and with a positive sign for the issuance of a new certificate of his user. When using this authentication method for users to access only way to access the control panel on the personal certificate, but the user's private key is unknown certification center certification PKP.

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