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Scanner sites

Scanner errors (scanner sites) is a tool of PKP, designed for quick and easy online check your web-based tools. Web applications can be developed by third parties or by you - for our scanner sites it does not matter.

How does the scanner errors work

This tool is designed to test and monitor Web applications linked to your site or group of sites. The verification process is the automatic generation of a list of universal resource locator (address). URL, including bad addresses (not belonging to that domain), and send a group of relevant queries such as GET and POST. As a result, our online tool analyzing the responses to queries gives you the final result. The results in this case are given in the form of a list of Web applications used on the site, and status codes HTTP (response codes scanned pages).

Who needs a tool "Scanner sites"

Scanner errors (scanner sites) is developed by the company PKP to assist developers of Internet software (web applications), embedded directly into the structure of the site. During Testing it has already drawn up a site is a good way to detect vulnerabilities structure of the system, leading to third parties access to private information on the server. The use of the scanner and helps system administrators to monitor the status of controlled sites including remotely administered hosting.

Software Solutions

Tool "Vulnerability Scanner sites" (scanner errors) identifies the main problems in the system of access to manage the site. "Holes" in the software that is used on your website can result in the loss of confidentiality and disclosure of data. Due to viruses, SQL-injection or undetected errors in the code on the site may appear ways to access confidential data not covered by the original system specification. Vulnerability Scanner Web application sends basic queries supported by data transfer protocol HTTP / HTTPS. Queries such as GET. open requests to the site in the address field. They are used to obtain information from the server without changing data. Request type POST. Hidden requests to site without, unlike requests GET-size limits and concealing the transmission data. They are used, for example, when registering or the password entered on the site. For POST-query tool once used only data from the form of testable page. The answers to these questions and provide information about the possible vulnerability of the system.

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